Is it better to die or fade away?
So like millions of people I watched the Superbowl last night...congrats Patriots. So being from Canada and too lazy to go to a bar, I didn't get to see the great new commercials. In lieu of super expensive ad spots I thought that seeing Paul McCartney at the half time show would make up for it. What was I thinking?
Now, I don't know if they were trying to keep things really family avoid last year's fiasco, but ugh was that boring. I'm sorry but I started to channel surf while one of the beatles, the most influencial band ever, was singing some classics. So this got me to Paul ruining his rep as one of the best singer/songwriters to ever live?
We can all say that the Beatles were one of the best bands to ever produce a vinyl. In fact I was protecting Paul just minutes before the halftime show, talking about how talented the guy is. But after seeing the show I couldn't help but think he was just looking like a BTO reunion. One of those guys who is living off of his past matter how spectacular they were.
When you think of the Beatles, individually not as a group, you've got John, Paul, George, and Ringo.
John: Musical Genius, would have changed the face of music for years to come...if he wasn't killed.
George: Innovative guitarist, humanitarian, loved by all
Ringo: ...uhm well he was a Beatle...and wasn't he on that show with that train?
Paul: Knighted, in two number one bands, hasn't written anything in decades
I guess it isn't fair to say that Paul and Ringo's contribution to the world of music was any less than any of the other Beatles (well okay Ringo didn't do too much). It just begs the question: Would it better to die a Beatle or be a former Beatle with nothing left. It's a tough choice aside from the whole dying part...cause that probably sucks.
Society doesn't always commend you for what you did 20 years ago...but they'll be quick to ask where are you now or Paul "What have you done for me lately?"
I still think spontaneously combusting and diving into a pile of Black Powder is the best way to go...I know...double the meds again doctor...
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